Area and District Committees
Area Committees
Area Committees provide the opportunity for greater community involvement in the decision making process of the City Council.
There are 11 Area Committees , based on Council ward boundaries. They meet every five weeks to:
Establish frameworks for participation by local residents in decision-making
Develop partnership working with other public service providers
Consider proposals from Executive Members and the Executive Board affecting their area
Develop a local community strategy with other partner agencies
Express views in planning and licensing applications
Consider reports and make recommendations on Council corporate strategy, Council services in the light of Best Value, services provided by other public bodies, partnership strategies and other initiatives affecting the area
Develop public participation in the City Council's affairs
Consider petitions and collective representations for the area
Members of the City Council serve as Members of the Area Committee covering their ward. Advisory Members have been appointed from the local community and partnership agencies.
As the system develops and financial and management resources become available, it is intended that the Committees will be granted powers to take responsibility and decisions for matters affecting their area. Because of its special nature and importance, the City Centre is not included with Area Committee boundaries. The Executive Member responsible for the City Centre and Promotion Portfolio (and the City Centre Partnership) is responsible for all issues relating to the City Centre and there is a City Centre and Promotion Select Committee.
How to get involved
Area Committees are public meetings and are held within the boundaries of the area. A schedule of City Council meetings is updated and published weekly. You can obtain it through Liverpool Direct
District Committees
There are six District Committees each covering clusters of (generally two) Area Committees. These District Committees, which meet at least twice a year, will:
Develop a strategic role particularly by working with external partners in their localities (e.g. primary care groups, police operational divisions)
Translate the strategic objectives of the City Council and its partners
(set out in the Community Plan) into Area Action Plans