Glasgow Health City Partnership
Glasgow City Council
City Chambers
George Square
G2 1DU
Telephone Number 0141 287 9993
Fax Number 0141 287 9996
Contact Person
Aims To secure improvements in health for everyone living and working in Glasgow and to tackle health inequalities within the City in a way that supports sustainable urban regeneration.
Service Provided To work in partnership with community, voluntary and statutory organisations to facilitate a strategic approach to policy development and health improvement.
Target Groups All of Glasgow, with particular emphasis on women, children and people from black and minority ethnic communities.
Number of Members Greater Glasgow Health Board, Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Community Councils, Greater Glasgow Health Council, Greater Glasgow Primary Care NHS Trust, GCVS, Scottish Homes (North Clyde Division), University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Caledonian university.
Funding Details Glasgow City Council and Greater Glasgow Health Board
Opening Hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Language Spoken English/Punjabi/Urdu
Ethnic Group Served All
Disabled Access Yes
Email Address
Web http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/healthycities