Age Concern Bradford & District
19-25 Sunbridge Road
Telephone: (01274) 395144
Fax: (01274) 723744
Age Concern offer a wide range of information, campaigning and direct services to older people. We have around 80 member groups spread across the whole Bradford district ranging from luncheon clubs to action groups. We welcome enquiries about our services and are always willing to accept new volunteers.
Alcohol / drugs advice
Piccadilly Project—Support and Counselling on Alcohol related issues (01274) 735775
The Bridge Project (01274) 723863
Project 6 Keighley (01535) 610180
Bradford Chamber of Commerce
Bradford Chamber of Commerce represents 1,300 local businesses. The Chamber provides Members with a range of services which include international documentation, business information, training and representation on both local and national issues.
Telephone:(01274) 728166
Bradford District Chamber of Trade
Business information, advice and training. primarily related to Retail Service and Distributive trades. Affiliated to British Chamber of Commerce.
Telephone:(01274) 635637
Careers Service,
Careers Bradford Limited
All-age guidance and careers information service in Bradford and district, including specialised service for recruitment of young people. The UK national resource centre for information on careers in the European Union. Expertise in staff development, redundancy counselling and outplacement for employers.
Bradford Careers Office (01274) 829400
Keighley Careers Office (01535) 210262
Adult Guidance Service (01274) 829430
Consumer Councils
They are independent bodies set up to protect consumers' interests.
Gas Consumer Council: (0645) 060708 Minicom: (0645) 581401
OFFER (Office of Electricity Regulation): (0113) 2341866 Minicom: 0345 697128
OFTEL (Office of Telecommunication): (0171) 6348700
OFWAT (Office of Water Services): (0113) 2340874
Education Advice Service for Adults
EASA (01274) 753658
Bradford District Fire Safety Office (01274) 721056
Area Fire Safety Offices:
Bingley Area (01274) 562223
Bradford Area (01274) 392352
Cleckheaton (01274) 873066
Fairweather Green (01274) 544466
Idle (01274) 613103
Keighley (01535) 607401
Odsal (01274) 677916
Shipley (01274) 582629
Electricity Emergencies
Bradford Area (01274) 733311
Keighley (01535) 605544
Electricity Enquiries
Yorkshire Electricity (01274) 733311
Gas Escape 0345 100710
Gas Enquiries 0345 100555
Water Supply / Enquires / Emergencies 0345 828888
HIV advice
PAL (01274) 736032
Airedale General Hospital (01535) 652511
Bingley Hospital (01274) 563438
Bradford Royal Infirmary (01274) 542200
Shipley Hospital:
Outpatients, Xray, Rehabilitation Centre (01274) 773390
Ward Information (01274) 227515
St Lukes Hospital (01274) 734744
Household waste sites (West Yorkshire Waste Management)
Ford Hill Depot, Hill End Road, Queensbury (01274) 880155
Opening times:-
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 4.55pm
8.00am - 4.55pm
9.00am - 3.55pm
Goldenbutts Depot, Ilkley (01943) 816841
Opening times:-
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 4.00pm
8.00am - 12.00noon
9.00am - 1.00pm
Bulk Transfer Station, Bowling Back Lane, Bradford (01274) 390806
Opening times:-
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 5.00pm
8.00am - 5.00pm
9.00am - 4.00pm
Keighley Transfer Loading Station,Royd Way, Keighley (01535) 681482
Opening times:-
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 5.00pm
8.00am - 12.00noon
9.00am - 4.00pm
Landfill Site, Sugden End, Cross Roads Keighley (01535) 643148
Opening times:-
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 4.00pm
8.00am - 4.00pm
9.00am - 4.00pm
Civic Amenities Site, Dealburn Road, Off New Works Road, Low Moor, Bradford (01274) 602560
Opening times:-
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 4.00pm
8.00am - 4.00pm
9.00am - 4.00pm
Household Waste Site, Dowley Gap, Wagon Lane, Bingley (01274) 560001
Opening times:-
Monday - Friday
8.00am - 4.55pm
8.00am - 4.00pm
9.00am - 3.55pm
Members of Parliament / Member of European Parliament
Bradford North, Terence Rooney(Labour), (01274) 777821
Bradford South, Gerry Sutcliffe (Labour), (01274) 754971 or (0171) 2193247
Bradford West, Marsha Singh (Labour)
Keighley, Ann Cryer (Labour)
Shipley, Christopher Leslie (Labour)
West Yorkshire M.E.P., Dr Barry Seal (Labour) (01274) 752091
West Yorkshire Police Headquarters, Wakefield (01924) 375222
Bradford Area (01274) 723422
Keighley Area (01535) 604261
Shipley Area (01274) 593157
Crimestoppers 0800 555111
Racial Equality Council
Advice and representation on cases of, Racial Discrimination / Immigration and Nationality. Also provides support and help to Voluntary Organisations.
(01274) 541358
Social Security benefits
Bradford Area (01274) 377200
Bradford Area for people on Job Seekers Allowance (01274) 338000
Keighley Area (01535) 617400
Leeds Bradford International (0113) 2509696
British Rail Enquiries
Bradford and Leeds 0345 484950
Bus and Coach Services
Metro (0113) 2457676
Keighley and District (01535) 603284
Bradford Traveller Limited (01274) 734833
Yorkshire Buses (Dewsbury) (01924) 461143
West Riding Buses (Wakefield) (01924) 375521
Black Prince (Leeds) (0113) 2532305
Voluntary organizations / groups
Bradford Resource Centre
An independent voluntary organisation which works with community groups offering do-it-yourself printing, computing, training and information.
Other services available at the Resource Centre are:
Bradford Community Arts Limited
Works with community groups and individuals, offering photographic, design and computer training and arts projects in drama and photography. Arts & Resources Centre for the Community (ARCC) also houses facilities for sound recording and video editing.
Bradford and District Coalition of Disabled People
Campaigns for the equality of disabled people. Full membership is open to all disabled people in the district. Associate membership is open to non-disabled people.
Rebeun Sounds—Community Studio
Offers cheap rate recording studio time; training courses on aspects of recording and media work. These services are available to voluntary groups and individuals.
Campaigning for rights for disabled people through Arts, running workshops in: Computer Skills; Confidence Building; Stress Management; Positive Thinking etc. Free transport provided to and from the centre for disabled people for all workshops. Staff speak English, Urdu and Punjabi.
17-21 Chapel Street, Bradford BD1 5DT
Phone to check opening hours Tel: (0124) 725046-721372 (01274) Fax: 390725
Councils For Voluntary Service (CVSs)
Provide help, advice and support to voluntary and community groups in their area - both existing and potential. Help individuals to find voluntary work with community groups.
Bradford (01274) 722772
Bingley (01274) 561570
Ilkley (01943) 603348
Keighley (01535) 665258
Shipley (01274) 580186
Shipley Volunteer Bureau (01274) 588233
Yorkshire and Humberside Low Pay Unit
Independent advice on Rights at Work, Pay Rates and Homeworking.
For low-paid workers only, Free call 0800 591342
Urdu and Punjabi Advice Line,Free call 0800 854154
All other callers (01924) 443850